Guatemala Oriente

Data #

coffeeGuatemala Oriente
brewerHario Switch 03
grind size1ZESPRESSO 30 clicks
amount of water350mL
water temperature100°C
amount of coffee20g

Experiment #

This is our second coffee at office, there are two large differences from our last time, 1. we grind coffee with 1ZESPRESSO right before the brew, 2. we use Immersion technique.

After the pre-heating, we pour 60mL of hot water over coffee making sure that they’re all wet then,

pour the rest of water, and wait for 2min.

After 2min, we stir it with a mini spoon randomly found in our kitchen.

After the brewing, coffee looks like this, I have no ability to assess this but took this photo for our future study.

Looks nice in a souvenir mag my friend got me from Mexico.

Result #

This was our first attempt to make Immersion coffee at office, and we’re satisfied with our produce, although, some of our colleagues who came to kitchen to make quick coffee with the machine looked little confused.

Since we’re using different coffee from last time, it’s hard to perform a fair comparison but two subjects involved in this series of experiments agree that today, it is less bitter than last time.

Conclusion #

Immersion works just fine and easy, grind size can be more studied, we can use a better server under the V60.