Finca Medina

Data #

coffeeFinca Medina
brewerHario Switch 03
grind size1ZESPRESSO 30 clicks?
amount of water350mL
water temperature100°C
amount of coffee20g

Experiment #

We celebrated Valentine’s Day with limited edition coffee from our favorite coffee shop has a cute package which doesn’t really fit into computer science lab. I thought that I set grider’s click to 30 as last time but turned out that coffee was too fine for immersion, resulting to produce strong/bitter taste.

It was very helpful to have a measuring cup to receive cofffee from Hario Switch.

Result #

Even from the coffee color, it looks quite dark.

Although the unexpected bitter taste, it was still fine, let’s just put it as “that’s how love tastes like sometimes”.

Conclusion #

We learned how the love sometimes tastes like on Valentine’s Day, let’s just call it a day.